The decision to follow Jesus is the most important decision you could ever make. At Christ Church of Orlando, we want to walk alongside you and offer resources for wherever you may currently be in your spiritual journey. The story of God’s choice to redeem each of us is what we call the “Gospel.” Here it is, in a nutshell:OUR SIN
We are all born with a sin nature. Because of our sin, we are unable to have a relationship with God without forgiveness."For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard."Romans 3:23
We must accept this free gift from God by committing our lives and heart to Jesus.
If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart thatGod raised him from the dead, you will be saved.Romans 10:9
Congratulations on your decision to follow Jesus! Your life will never, ever be the same! However, this is only the first step in your new life with Christ. We want to help you take your next step. Two next steps that we encourage for all new believers are baptism and our "Following Jesus" group study. Click the links below for more information!
2200 South Orange Ave | Orlando, FL 32806(407) 856-4999